Sayyiduna Ali on Friends
A man complained to Sayyidina Ali about a spoiled friendship. Ali responded with this poem:
وإياك وإياه لا تَصْحَب أخا الجَهْلِ
Beware: do not befriend the brother of ignorance,
فكم من جاهل أردى حليما حين آخاه
For many an ignorant has brought down a wise man when he became his friend
يُقاس المرء بالمرء إذا ما هو ماشاه
A person is measured by the company he keeps,
مقاييس وأشباه وللشيء من الشيء
Criteria and similarities, and from one thing to another,
وللقلب على القلب دليل حين يَلْقَاهُ
And the heart upon meeting another heart finds its guide.
The phrases
مقاييس وأشباه وللشيء من الشيء
“وللقلب على القلب دليل حين يَلْقَاهُ
Highlight the idea that human relations and assessments are governed by observable criteria and inherent similarities. People tend to gravitate towards others who share common traits or values. The second line, “And the heart upon meeting another heart finds its guide,” further deepens this notion by suggesting that, beyond superficial criteria, there is an intuitive, heartfelt connection that guides individuals towards those with whom they are naturally aligned. Together, these lines convey a message about the natural laws of attraction and compatibility, emphasizing both the visible and invisible forces that draw people together.
Suhaib Webb