The Best Good/ The Best Evil

The wise Muslim chooses the lesser of two evils and the greater of two goods. In that context, the choice is not about fleeting pleasure, but outcomes in the Hereafter. This was the case with Yusuf, who, when facing two evils, chose the lesser of the two. One brought discomfort in this life, while the other may have brought it in the next. Hence, he chose the former, preferring physical suffering to the displeasure of Allah.
“He said, ‘My Lord, prison is more beloved to me than what they invite me to.’” (Qur’an 12:33)
Abu Hayyan shares an important thought about this, writing:
“And ‘more beloved’ here does not carry its usual meaning of preference because he never loved what they were inviting him to at all. Rather, these were two evils, and he chose the lesser of the two. Even though one involved hardship and the other pleasure, the thought of the pleasure, due to the disobedience to Allah and the bad outcome it would bring, never crossed his mind. Instead, he chose to endure the hardship for the sake of Allah, showing patience in the face of adversity, awaiting relief, and being in constant presence with Allah, praying to Him for deliverance. He then entrusted his protection to Allah and surrendered to Him, as is the habit of the prophets and the righteous.” (Tafsir al-Bahr al-Muhit by Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi)
In these difficult days, be aware: ease and comfort are a mirage promised by silence in the face of thugs in the UK, the genocide in Palestine, and more. If you are a person of knowledge, don’t deceive yourself. In comfort lies the lie of silence, whereas in discomfort rests the truth: Allah’s pleasure.
Ten years ago, during the illegal overthrow of President Morsi, I wrote this:
“When I see scholars praying for oppressors and aiding them against the people, I feel a tremendous sickness and anger. Some of my former teachers have taken positions that are not only cowardly but soil the pure knowledge they claim to uphold. No matter how many ijaazas, your family lineage, your clothes, or mystic claims, if you can’t stand with the masses, if you can’t oppose the killing of civilians and the spreading of oppression, then, by Allah, those things will be a witness against you.”
Anyone who understands the greater evil of this moment cannot allow calculus to bridle their voice and mask their knowledge. Speak! Join Muslims who defend in protest this nation’s honor and know that discomfort is where the truth rests.
Allah bless this community!