Allah’s Blessing Took The Mic: Asna Tabassum & Muting Truth

Islamic belief strikes a harmonious balance between Allah’s unassailable will, which transcends time—it was, is, and will be—and human agency that is temporary, surrounded by the infinite will, as ordained by Allah.
The believer understands the necessity of action yet acknowledges that every deed and outcome ultimately lies in Allah’s plan. This inspires unwavering devotion to Allah, where actions are simply the fruit of this love. Consequently, no small effort goes unnoticed, and no grand endeavor is a cause for intoxication. The primary concern is aligning with Allah’s will through Shariah compliance. When this alignment occurs, silence becomes speech, a pebble becomes a mountain, and a drop turns into an ocean!
This is historically evident. When colonial occupiers invaded the Muslim world, they sought to dismantle civil society, only to later charge those societies of barbarism to justify “administrating” them. Their focus often rested on the ulema, whom they tried to suppress, sometimes banishing them for decades. Yet, upon their return, these scholars emerged stronger, often with broader support.
The lesson: Asna may have been silenced, but Allah’s command took the microphone, reaching millions. Reflect on this verse: “You did not throw it. We threw it,” and be brave, devoted, and with Allah.
I hope conventions like @icnaofficial others will give the main Saturday night speeches to her. I am happy to give my time to her.
Suhaib Webb