Friday Sermon For Student Encampments

Friday Sermon Idea In The Context Of Student Encampments For Palestine

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

As we witness the brave sacrifices that young Americans are making in their advocacy for Palestine, I am moved to share reflections that help those charged with giving the Friday sermon this week. Feel free to use this, add to it, or subtract.

Title: “Youth & Giants: Lessons from Dawoud and Struggles for Justice”

The story of Dawoud (David) AS, detailed in the Quran, offers us profound insights not just about confronting tyranny and fears, but also about the virtues of youthful courage and moral resolve in facing modern challenges.

Points To Plant

  1. Historical Echoes in Todays Struggles:
  • Dawoud (AS), as a young shepherd, confronted the towering Talut (Goliath) with faith and a simple stone. His victory, which Allah (SWT) recounts in Surah Al-Baqara, “And Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him from that which He willed” (Quran 2:251), underscores the importance of righteous intent and divine support over sheer might.
  • Inspired by Dawoud’s example, today’s youth challenge the modern ‘giants’ of injustice—policies and unjust systems. Their actions remind us of the power of a morally driven voice.
  1. Contradictions Exposed by Youth Activism:
  • As educators and mentors, we observe our students grappling with the inconsistencies within institutions that profess to uphold justice. Their peaceful demonstrations against the silence on illegal settlements in Palestine, and their resilience against institutional penalties for their activism, reveal the crucial role of integrity in leadership.
  • The dire state of educational facilities in Palestine starkly contrasts with global educational values, shedding light on the hypocrisy some leaders exhibit. Our students’ activism urges a return to principled guidance and fairness.

Additional Thoughts for Those Encamped:

  1. Support Each Other: Please take care of yourselves and each other. The journey you are on is lengthy and challenging. Prioritize self-care and foster mutual support to maintain your strength and commitment.
  2. Embrace Love and Reject Injustice: Hold firm in your rejection of evil and injustice. Although many of you are far from family and face unexpected opposition, let love and empathy be your guiding forces. These are not only your shields but your sources of strength.
  3. Think Long-Term: Look beyond immediate challenges and envision how your efforts can lead to transformative change—rebuilding, healing, and improving our communities and nation.
  4. Avoid Extremes: Stay vigilant against influences that may seek to distort your message or lead you toward unproductive extremes. Remain steadfast in your principles and focused on constructive outcomes.
  5. Observe Religious Obligation Know that your success gained without tauhid and worship is worldly. Extend it to the Hereafter by staying Shariah compliant.
  6. Share Islam As people are waking up to being lied to about Palestine, they are also realizing that they were lied to about Islam. Share the beauty and balance of Islam, opening a door to guidance.

Inspired by your courage, we are called to support and guide, not merely as leaders but as fellow advocates for justice. Together, let us inspire a legacy that embodies dignity, compassion, and enduring change—principles that Dawoud (AS) championed and that you are upholding through your commendable actions.

I hope this helps. Any other points to add?

Suhaib Webb