History & Progress
Ahmed Shawqi writes,
اقرؤا التاريخ إذ فيه العبر * ضاع قوم ليس يدرون الخبر:
“Read history, for in it are lessons; a people perished who did not know history.”
Shawqi emphasizes the importance of learning from history to avoid the mistakes of the past. He notes that those who remain ignorant of historical events are doomed to suffer similar fates as those who perished before them, illustrating the value of historical knowledge as a guide for future actions.
The Quran commands us to learn from history, “Look at those who came before you,” as it shows, through history, prophetic values and teachings, “They believe in what was sent to you and those before you” (Quran 2:136). Additionally, it reminds us to use history as a catalyst for gratitude, “Remember My favors upon you” (Quran 2:40), and as a reason to celebrate, “Then remind them of the days of Allah” (Quran 14:5).
Imam al-Junayd said, “Stories of the righteous are infantry of God, sent to strengthen the hearts of the faithful.” When questioned to substantiate that claim, he responded with the verse, “And every story we relate to you is only to strengthen your heart” (Quran 11:120).