When Is Zakat al-Fitr Due

Question: When is Zakat al-Fitr obligatory, and is it permissible to prepay it?

The Answer:

The Obligation of Zakat al-Fitr

The timing of Zakat al-Fitr’s obligation is a subject of differing opinions among Maliki jurists, encompassing two primary positions:

The first group states that its obligation commences at sunset on the final day of Ramadan.

The second contends that it becomes obligatory at dawn on the first day of Shawwal.

This difference rests on a report from Abdullah ibn Umar, in which the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) mandated Zakat al-Fitr during Ramadan (according to Malik, Bukhari, and Muslim). The first view interprets ‘fitr’ in the report as referring to the sunset of Ramadan. In contrast, the second view considers ‘fitr’ to denote dawn.

The Recommended Time To Dstribute Zakat al-Fitr

The recommended time to distribute Zakat al-Fitr is after dawn and before the Eid prayer. Ibn Umar narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) instructed that Zakat al-Fitr should be given before people proceed to the prayer (Bukhari and Muslim).

The Permissible Time To Distribute Zakat al-Fitr

The permissible period for its distribution extends to the sunset of Eid day.

What If I Failed To Pay It On Eid Day

Zakat al-Fitr does not expire after the sunset of Eid day for those who could afford to pay it when due; it remains a continuous obligation until fulfilled, and delaying it beyond its time is deemed sinful.

Can I Pay It Before Eid Day?

Regarding prepayment, it is permissible up to two days before its due time, as commonly accepted in the Maliki school. Some opinions allow up to three days, whether distributed directly to individuals or to the poor.

Distribute It Before Eid?

The allowance to pay Zakat al-Fitr two days before Eid is based on Ibn Umar’s practice, who sent his Zakat al-Fitr to the collector two or three days before Eid (Muwatta)

Can I Give it In Cash?

Yes! I will provide a second answer to that question, inshallah.

Suhaib Webb

Sources: (Al-Ishraf: 1/188, Al-Tafri’: 1/295, Al-Muqaddimat: 1/335, Sharh Jam’ al-Ummahat: 3/286, Hashiyat ad-Dasuki: 788, Hashiyat al-Adwi ‘ala al-Risalah: 1/555, Al-Fiqh al-Maliki wa Adillatuh: 2/68-71)